2016年南非国际建筑建材展|非洲国际建筑建材展|领汇iris 展会时间:2016 年8月17-20 日 两年一届 40多年的历史 主办单位:Specialised Exhibitions 展会地点:约翰内斯堡展览中心 组展单位:北京领汇国际展览有限公司 同期举办暖通空调展、洁具管材建筑水处理展、玻璃展及木工展 南非建材展简介: 1.南非国际建筑建材博览会 (INTERBUILD AFRICA)创办于 1968 年,至今已经有 40 年历史,已经发展成为非洲地区较大的专业建筑建材博览会之一,并获得了国际展览联盟机构 UFI 的专业认证。 2.该展两年一届,同期主题展会包括暖通空调展、洁具管材建筑水处理展、玻璃展及木工展;良好的规模性和专业性为其吸引来自**二十余个国家近 300 家建筑行业优秀企业参展。 3.国际参展企业:云集了来自英国、德国、意大利、西班牙、印度、伊朗等国家的参展商;9000 名来自于建筑业各个领域的专业观众 观众大多为具有决策力的**层,79%的观众具有购买力,49%的观众具有购买意向 4.**的鼎力支持:中国驻南非**、南非贸易部、南非豪登省、西开普省、挎祖鲁省经济开发**、南非纽卡索、雷迪斯密斯、伊宵卫**均派官员到展会现场参观考察。 EXHIBITING AT INTERBUILD AFRICA 2016 WHY EXHIBIT AT INTERBUILD AFRICA 2016? Interbuild Africa has gained a reputation as the leading industry event for the building services, building materials and construction sector. Having been in existence for more than 46 years, Interbuild Africa is recognised as the leading, longest standing and largest trade event of its kind on the African continent. Interbuild Africa offers an excellent results-driven opportunity that delivers a real return on investment. It’s also the most cost-effective way to reach the greatest number of decision-makers in the shortest space of time. Generate on-site sales and high quality sales leads Build and maintain existing and new customer relationships Create new market opportunities through greater brand exposure Launch and demonstrate new products and services Benefit from unrivalled marketing exposure 展品范围: ▼ 建筑材料:陶瓷、陶瓷加工器材及陶制品、厨房(各种厨房电器、橱柜、空调、厨房家具、厨房下水道装置等)及浴室(各类卫生洁具、马桶、面盆、浴缸、淋浴房、淋浴喷头、水龙头及配件、浴室镜子、浴室五金挂件等)、卧室纺织品、家居装饰配件、地板与地毯、房屋内部设计、**石材、人造石材、金刚石工具,塑料异型材、铝型材、修饰材料、涂料、油漆、镶边瓷砖、墙纸及墙板镶嵌等、粘结剂、防水系统、建筑器材和设备、空调暖通、制冷设备等; ▼ 地板:实木地板、强化复合木地板、实木复合地板、竹地板、集成材地板、软木地板、各种人造板材、地毯、门垫、浴室垫、工业地板材料等; ▼ 门窗类:各类材料门窗、窗帘和装饰纺织品、各类结构的幕墙,墙体材料及型材、门窗配件及原辅料、密封及保温材料辅料、门窗检测设备、型材挤压及表面处理设备、模具、组装 及通风设备、各类特种门窗、对讲系统、锁定系统及设备等; ▼ 建筑五金:水嘴、水暖器材、洁具、门(包括橱柜壁柜门)窗及门窗五金配件、阀门、紧固件、标准件、卫浴设施、浴室附件和装饰、洁具五金配件等。 WHO VISITS INTERBUILD AFRICA? Visitors at Interbuild Africa include prominent decision-makers in all areas of building and construction: Architects, quantity surveyors, land surveyors Draughtsmen and engineers Production managers, foremen and artisans Buyers and specifiers Building contractors and sub-contractors Building inspectors and supervisors Builders’ merchants, tool hiring outlets and general dealers Interior designers and landscape architects / designers Property developers and town planners Government officials 为什么在选择南非 一、南非是非洲大陆经济较发达的国家,其经济基础在非洲国家也是**。南非有良好的基础设施和较先进的技术,其国内生产总值约占全非的 30%,对外贸易在南非国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位,国内生产总值的近 50%来自于对外贸易,进出口额连续几年保持在 600 多亿美元的水平。南非是我国产品在非洲的较大出口国,也是我国向南部非洲出口的窗口和中转站; 二、南非**大力投资基础设施建设,兴建土木、扩建工程,为建材行业领域带来了巨大的市场需求。而以往南非的建筑材料多数从欧美进口,但价格一般都较昂贵;相较而言,中国产品有着很大的空间,无论是从产品品种、档次,还是价格而言,我国的建材产品、生产设备和施工机械都较具市场竞争力,具有很大的贸易潜力; 三、2010 年 12 月,中国作为“金砖国家”合作机制轮值**国,与俄罗斯、印度、巴西一致商定,吸收南非作为正式成员加入“金砖国家”合作机制,“金砖四国”即变成“金砖五国”,并更名为“金砖国家”(BRICS);吸收南非加入合作机制,也使“金砖四国”能够进一步加强同南部非洲各国的经贸关系; 四、南非是中国在非洲的**大贸易伙伴,中国对非出口产品总体上质量优、价格好,满足了非洲各人员民众的消费需求。在规模扩大的同时,中非贸易结构逐步得以优化。随着非洲市场消费能力的不断提高,中国对非洲出口产品的技术含量明显增加。 INDUSTRY SUPPORT Interbuild Africa has enjoyed the full support of the most respected industry bodies and associations across the building services and construction industry: Master Builders South Africa South African Institute for Architects The Association of South African Quantity Surveyors National Home Builders Registration Council South African Light Steel Frame Building Association Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa South African Bureau of Standards The Concrete Institute Institute of Plumbing South Africa WHY VISIT INTERBUILD AFRICA 2016? Interbuild Africa together with its co-located events - Glass Expo Africa, Plumbdrain Africa, EcoAfribuild and Hardex Africa - constitute the biggest building and construction expo in Africa. There's no other even in Africa that offers visitors the widest range of industry leading products and services, access to hundreds of leading exhibitors and the opportunity to attend industry relevant conferences and seminars in just four days. EXHIBITOR PROFILE Exhibitors at Interbuild Africa include manufacturers, suppliers and distributors showcasing the latest products and services in: Affordable housing products Building design, interior environments Landscaping and paving Civil engineering equipment Computer modelling and software Hardware products and services Kitchens and bathrooms Lighting and electrical fittings Paints, wall and surface textures Plant hire, equipment and scaffolding Security management Structural products: reinforcing, bricks, tiles, cement, concrete, walling, flooring, windows, doors, roofing, insulation, cladding, timber, steel, aluminium, ironmongery and fencing 2016年度**建筑建材展展会列表 展会名称 举办时间 举办周期,地点 美国拉斯国际建筑博览会IBS 2016.1.19-21 一年一届,拉斯维加斯 俄罗斯莫斯科建筑展Mosbuild 2016.4.5-8 一年一届,莫斯科 巴西国际建筑博览会Feicon 2016.4.12-16 一年一届,圣保罗 泰国国际建筑展ACHITECH 2016.4.26-5.1 一年一届,曼谷 澳大利亚建筑展DesignBuild 2016.5.4-6 一年一届,墨尔本 肯尼亚国际建筑展Buildexpo Africa 2016.5.6-8 一年一届,内罗毕 阿尔及利亚建筑展BATIMATEC 2016.5 一年一届,阿尔及尔 印尼国际建筑展Indobuildtech 2016.5.25-29 一年一届,雅加达 南非约翰内斯堡建材展 2016.8.17-20 两年一届,约翰内斯堡 联系人:张月 Q 邮箱: iris9153@ 欢迎致电咨询展会详细信息和索要展会详细文件,具体时间以招展文件为准! 领汇展览,助推**贸易!我们用品质创造未来! 北京领汇国际展览有限公司 地址: 北京市朝阳区农展馆南路13号瑞辰国际中心